Is anywhere more depressing than a weatherspoons at 9am?

I once walked to my old job at 3am, my shift started at 5am & completely misread my phone & thought it was 4am.

I had to wait outside in the dead of night, freezing fucking cold for 1 hour & 30 minutes. Oddly enough the only life I saw on the way there was at the church just outside the store.

It was animal control trying to catch a very, very angry dog. Just one guy in full protective gear, face cage, big safety stick; the whole works. The dude looked terrified & my half asleep arse just walked right past the dog & him and I barely even noticed what was going on.

I was too tired to care, the dog looked at me & barked at me & as it went to move toward me, the guy caught it in the stick leash thingy. It only dawned on me several days later that had that guy not been there, I may have been mauled by that dog lmao.

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