[AoU Spoilers] The One, Exceptional Woman - Black Widow has to be perfect and only flawed in minor ways because she’s the potential cipher for every female fan

Oh my goodness! I would like to send all my congratulations your way. This is perhaps the most neckbeardiest, MRA-influenced, basement troll comment I've yet received on reddit.

Throwing out tired and cliche insults does not rebut my point or strengthen your argument, it just makes you look like another boring, lazy and uncreative social justice warrior ideologue.

You should go out--right now--and tell this to every single woman in your life who consumes popular entertainment.

All of my female friends are well aware of my opinion on the sort of brainless feminist screeching that you are engaging in with this thread.

Tell them, also, about how entertainment, from the theaters of Ancient Greece to now, has always been predicated on girls liking Disney princesses and boys liking superheroes.

That's a strawman. The concept of genre in modern sense (i.e. romance, science-fiction, mystery, etc.) is a relatively recent development, which only really came to fruition in the 20th century with the development of mass literacy and mass publishing. Previous to this development, the classical definition of genre were far more broad and dealt more with form than content (i.e. poetry vs prose, rather than western vs crime noir). For example, Plato identified three genres: dramatic dialogue, pure narrative and epic.

However, that said, we can guess from the content of remaining texts that even in ancient greece certain genres held greater appeal for certain audiences. You will be hard pressed to find any epics from antiquity that do not feature a male warrior as the protagonist, and do not focus primarily on masculine achievements. Thus we can say that the epic -- in many ways the forerunner of the modern superhero adventure story -- have always been a masculine genre.

/r/marvelstudios Thread Parent Link - eatyourbooks.blogspot.com