The AP Announcing Clinton's "Victory" Was an Embarrassment to Journalism and U.S. Politics

And considering both major party nominees are anti environmental action,

You have to consider here that while one is pretty much neutral status quo on this stuff, the other is actively opposed and will do everything they can to shut down the EPA, and will appoint several similar minded supreme court justices too.

I agree with Chomsky here when he says that the Republican party actually poses a major threat to the human species itself at this point, and while there is not much value in our very narrow decisions of candidates, you can and should use your vote to keep the crazy out, and then spend the rest of your time working in avenues of real activism and organization for making change.

Look at it this way, we floated Bernie, and if he does end up not making it, we have at least gotten the message out in a huge way and rallied the youth and instilled them with ideas. Better than nothing. Better than I would have expected to do in this presidential campaign anyway before knowing about his campaign.

But throughout the whole thing, the value is not in the presidency anyway, it is in ALL the sum total of the other things, all the local elections, all the popular movements that spread among people, all in the meantime, outside of the presidential spotlight.

This sort of attitude is the source of our problem. We have access and inroads to make changes in the most powerful/influential nation on the Earth. And also, no one ever said it will be easy. But no matter where you run, you are still prone to the devastating consequences that our era in history will reap. So you might as well work to do something about it, in real ways, outside of simply voting in presidential elections. Even if Bernie had won the whole thing and become president, that would still be the area where we'd have to work anyway.

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