Apdo Analysis by Midbeast (OCE Challenger player) - Possibly the most informative LoL video I've ever watched

sorry but its important to realize that midbeast can't possibly know why apdo does a lot of things, so a lot of it just seems like speculation/over thinking.

ex1) kassa doesn't recall at ~6:05

Midbeast: "he does this because he knows where everyone is"

that could be true, but it also could be a bunch of other things like a bad recall (couldn't afford to buy a pink ward with the rod" who knows.

ex2) 6:48 kassa goes to ward wraiths

midbeast "he wants to keep the noc interested and waste his time"

again I doubt that's why.. maybe apdo just wants to stop him from stealing a camp or just get vision?

ex2.5) "the ori recalls because he knows kassa has tp"

looking back it might just be because the ori made a mistake, or because she didnt have enough mana to push so she thought she would lose less by sacrificing 3 minions for the recall.

ex3) midbeast "it seems like he is trying to use his ult whenever its on cd"

or he needed to use it to get the blue, get out of the blue, and then used it to push the wave... I don't know if he consciously wanted to use it whenever it came up

ex4) kassa steals 1 little raptor midbeast "dopa tries to get any advantage wherever he can so he takes just the 1 chicken"

lol he probably wanted to take the whole camp and saw the jungler in the bottom left of his screen coming

my point isn't that this guy doesn't know what hes talking about. He's challenger so obviously he's very good. my point is that you shouldn't just accept everything that this guy says as truth or fact. Learn to think for yourself. sometimes an action that even the best player does, does not have some extremely complex reason.

/r/leagueoflegends Thread