Apology to the gay community

OH I think I understand where you have misunderstood

"Gay" men do not like trans men and

dating cis men is a hindrance to a trans man's transition. there are things about the dynamic that will fuck things up for the trans guy.

If you're a cis man you cannot possibly understand how your social status within your nuclear family changes when you start dating a man, if you were born a woman I'm not going to bother to explain. They view you as a different person. This can be very difficult for trans men.

The type of men who date trans men, even if they "identify" as gay, they are usually not gay. even the "gay" cis men who like trans men will have a cis chick on the side. Bi, gay, or even other trans men will expect femininity or femaleness from you. Please don't dismiss my memories. This is really what I had to put up with. So I don't date men anymore.

/r/GayMen Thread Parent