Apparent Hot Take: The meta is NOT the only way to play, and shaming people for playing off-meta builds NEEDS to stop.

sigh I have had more issues with people who insist that their magicka 2h templar werewolf that smacks for a whopping 3k per heavy and can’t sustain enough to do anything other than cast 5 skills and then light attack for 20 seconds is efficient enough to do vet DLC hm’s.

However, I prefer to play meta for efficiency. You cannot take these hybrid “play as you want” builds into the hardest content. If you do this, then you are handicapping the other members of your group.

Now if someone comes into your base game vet dungeon or craglorn pug and decides to rip you out for playing how you want, then they’re a dick. There’s a line in this game that you should not cross if you want to play how you want. For example - if I am raid lead and I’m going through VAS+0 and you come in on a werewolf stam 2h, I’m gonna laugh and not gaf. Do you. But if we’re going for the +2 , do not show up on anything except a high parsing magicka class (although I’ve seen a share of bow/bow) with proper gear and knowledge/skill of mechanics.

You just need to understand that no, not all builds work for everything. But having someone be a douche to you in mid-game content is ridiculous (same as if you were to be a douche for defending a ridiculous build if you expect to bring it into end game content).

/r/elderscrollsonline Thread