Apparent Hot Take: The meta is NOT the only way to play, and shaming people for playing off-meta builds NEEDS to stop.

Good for her for getting carried thou it.

And even if it wasn't, she AND HER ENTIRE GROUP have had a way better time with a Warden or Necro healer.

You don't seem to be understanding my argument either. I'm referring to the potential of a class to be a good healer REGARDLESS of the Restoration staff skill tree. Sorcs have some magicka-aiding passives at most. Necros, wardens, templars and even NB's have that plus powerful dedicated healing and buffing/debuffing skills. Sorcs can't even apply the basic Minor Vulnerability debuff on their own, or Minor Toughness like Wardens do, and so on.

That means that no matter how powerful sorcs healers think they are, the harsh truth is that they'll ALWAYS be underperforming when compared to a real healing class.

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