Apparently Homelessness is only a Problem if you are a Woman.

Here's the article from two sources linked by u/TheEssexian elsewhere in this thread and

It doesn't include the statistic photograph, but you can compare the text visible in the photo and see it's the same article.

The two articles appear different in part. The only paragraph mentioning women was left out of the pressreader version:

The count has identified a number of new trends that point to shifting demographics among the people who are currently homeless. Sixty-one per cent of those identified in the count have been homeless for less than a year. Nearly a third of those living in shelters year-round are employed, according to the survey. Aboriginals (38 per cent), people who identify as LGBTQ2+ (13 per cent) and veterans (11 per cent) are over-represented in the homeless population. Women make up 23 per cent of the homeless population.

Context doesn't redeem it.

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