Apparently killing fascists is the same as being a fascist?

How can you honestly be dense enough to think this is what being a nazi means?

Oh, maybe it's because the left has been labeling anyone and everyone who opposes them politically as 'nazis'. You guys have watered down the word and now a days people assume someone who is labeled a 'nazi' is just someone who stood up to having their business burned down by rioters, or someone who donated to or voted for a republican.

Have you ever heard the tale of 'The boy who cried wolf'?

You know, it really makes you think. Who has the most to gain by desensitizing the public to the terms nazi and fascist? It begs the question if you guys are just crypto-nazi's and crypto-fascist accelerationists masquerading as commies? From the responses I've gotten in this thread you guys don't really have a respect for due process, human rights, trial by jury, or any of the other institutions of democracy that prevent fascists and nazis from seizing power and taking over. The more I talk with you, to more I'm convinced you're just crypto-nazi accelerationists, who are being intentionally disingenous and absurdists while larping as commies to 1) desensitize people to the label of nazi and fascist by intentionally mislabeling people as such, and 2) garner sympathy for anyone labeled nazi or fascist, because of the created assumption that anyone labeled such is just a victim of leftist marxist witch hunt mobs. Actual lefties and commies can't be so stupid as to pursue the absurd strategy of fragmenting the left with constant purity spiraling and estranging the general public through such tactics and abuse.