Apparently not wanting to deal with transphobia makes me a bigot.

Please explain to me how transgender people are natural

What? The state of being transgender/nonbinary is natural, treatments to cure the disphoria that often comes with it are mostly human-manufactured.

And what's up with putting lol like five times per sentence? Does he think that's going to help? Does he think him laughing, apparently hysterically, going to make him look any better? It's such a dick move to demand a serious conversation, and then type "lol" in every response.

And then he demands you tell him "why its natural lol" even though you've explained to him that it's dehumanizing; it would be like calling an Asian person yellow "because its the truth lol" and then demanding people explain why it's racist, all while continuing to call them yellow.

He's arguing an entirely different thing. He's not arguing that calling someone natural is okay, although that's what he's implying, he's arguing that he has a "right" to call people natural, even though it is transphobic, and he's trying to make you see it as not transphobic because he wants to keep calling people natural even though that's rude.

"Right to free speech" means you can say anything that doesn't cause mass panic or is an immediate call to violence, it doesn't mean people have to accept it. If he says something stupid, it is the right of the people around him to tell him how much of a fucking idiot he is.

It goes beyond just being ignorant, this is being willfully ignorant to the point of not even doing a simple Google search or accepting that "it's just not polite at all to imply certain people are below others" as a valid answer. Why is calling somebody the F word rude? Because it's dehumanizing. Why is calling only a portion of the human population natural rude? Because it's fucking dehumanizing.

I want to just call him a fucking idiot, and then when he demands I explain just reply with "I have a right to free speech loser lol lol lol lol lol"

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