Apparently You’re Supposed to Obsessively Check Tinder every second of your life

I don't think that it's complicating it too much. If you take it at face value, it's saying that not trying to kiss up to someone is better than trying to kiss up to them, essentially.

And it's true, if you're trying to create attraction. Psychologically speaking, there exists what is called psychological reactance which involves our desire to go against what we are told. So if we seem like we don't care what the other person thinks of us, that will generally increase their attraction towards us.

Of course, it depends from person to person but that's the general idea. I have never frequented RP but I understand at least this comment here, and I don't think that, in and of itself, it's bad. Now, what the OP showed us with the tinder pictures is a different story. And it's not necessarily bad, either, if OP was into that. But obviously, she's not. Guy made himself look stupid by coming on way too hard and way too fast.

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