I apparently started the washing machine with nothing in it.

Nah just a pin number to get into the locked pharmacy! Probably wouldn't be able to get that far without a badge that matched the face , anyway.

As far as telling the police about the bag of coke, I don't know.. First of all I don't believe in the war on drugs, including cocaine. Yeah it fucks people up, but so does booze, and people have died over weed (just not from it) so I'm not going to make that call over a bag that an adult left in their pocket. People do snort coke recreationally and don't become addicted or fucked over it. Shit, I know people who have casually dabbled in heroin and other opiates without forming an addiction or letting it offset their lives. I wouldn't recommend it, but I'd feel it wad a waste of time and resources to involve the police. Cops and courts aren't babysitters for grown-ups personal lives.

Second, a cop who is dropping off their cleaning is probably off the clock and doesn't care about some coke remnants in a club owners pocket. Calling a police station would probably get me as far as them giggling into the phone. Like, what would even happen? My house was broken into and it took them 4 hours to show up after I got home and noticed, since no one was still in my home and I wasn't in danger. I highly doubt someone would roll by my job to collect evidence. Plus there are more factors at play. Dude was always generally pleasant, why would I turn him into the cops? Cops don't give a shit if a law abiding citizen (not to mention a rich, white one, as fucked as that is) has a negligible amount of coke on them. Dude would maybe get a ticket, fight it in court, I'd have to testify and say that i found it in his pocket, anf if he was convicted, he'd pay a small fine and pay some lawyers to expunge, and I'd definitely be out of a job since I can only assume that customer is never coming back and will be taking his friends' business with him. If a customer is paying $12,000 a year for his dry cleaning he and his friends probably have money to blow (no pun intended) and I'm sure my boss could have found a good reason to fire me since I'm in an at-will state. None of this is going to make him think twice the next time he buys a bag of coke, as people don't stop doing things just because it's illegal.

One could argue that buying illegal cocaine supports the cartels and their violence, which is absolutely true. However, him getting possibly popped for a little coke is not going to stop him or anyone else from buying thd next bag. Cartel violence and the illegality of drugs is something that needs to be addressed on a federal level.

Most of us know the struggle of getting our own meds here since most ADHD treatment is in the form of stimulants. I have had to take ungodly amounts of time and energy out of my life battling with insurance and pharmacy regulations to get a prescription for 60 adderall tabs, 10 mg each, plus getting a paper script from my doctor. I was once travelling over my refill days, but the pharmacy wouldn't fill my script 5 days early. So, i tried to get my paper prescription back, and they refused, saying I wouldn't be able to use it out of state anyway. I then had to have my doctor call the pharmacy to get my script back, saying he knew about my travel plans and that they can't legally hold my paper prescription and nothing suspicious has taken place. So, what did I have to do? I had to go to the emergency clinic in an unfamiliar city, explain the situation, get them on the phone with my doctor , and hope they would write me a local prescription. It would have seriously been easier and cheaper for me to find adderall illegally at that point. The entire time I was treated like a drug seeking junkie by pretty much everyone but my local doctor. I just didn't want to ruin my trip having adderall withdrawals.

Sorry for the tangent, I just spent an inordinate amount of time on the phone fighting about mail order prescriptions and how getting my controlled substance through the mail and being available to sign for it every month is literally impossible for me, and how fucked it is that I can't get my prescription covered if I want to walk into a pharmacy to pick it up... All because we have a serious drug problem in this country and we choose to jail those who become addicted instead of giving them the support and treatment they deserve.

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