Appeal by the independent labor unions of Ukraine - To the workers of the world : we need your help !

How's about... no.

An organization basing its movement on fascist lies and trying to blame tHe OtHeR sIdE for the massacres of its own government doesn't get my support.

From here:

Ukraine has been resisting the Russian Federation (RF) aggression since 2014.

As a result of the aggression Ukrainian Crimea was annexed, parts of Lugansk and Donetsk regions of Ukraine were occupied. Over the last eight years of RF aggression Ukraine has lost dozens of thousands of human lives, more than 1,5 million of our citizens were forced to become internally displaced persons.

In the last eight years in Lugansk and Donetsk, 15,000 people have been massacred by neo-Nazis proudly adorned in swastika tattoos and working for the Ukrainian army, using arms and funding from the US.

I'll give my support to the 15,000 workers murdered by the neo-Nazis being uncritically supported by the Independent Trade Union of Ukraine.

Maybe after this is over we can discuss the union's decision to ignore the oppression targeted workers that aren't even allowed to speak in their own language because the fascists that took over the country made it illegal. Weren't westerners pretending to care about "cultural genocide" recently?

/r/SyndiesUnited Thread Link -