Apple retail employees testing 'Buy Now, Pay Later' service

The banking industry is the one industry that I would consider evil. Their business is literally money. And so, when companies off their own credit cards, it’s simply to get a huge kickback. Working at Best Buy many years ago, if you got someone to apply for a Best Buy credit card, the store would get a kickback; so each store is highly encouraged to get people to sign up. Working there, we were continually told on pushing people to apply if they didn’t already have an account, or have them use it.

It’s a win win for the retailer since the bank not only gives them a kick back for using their services but the retailer still makes the sale. The bank then does all the dirty work and makes sure you pay them back or else credit score consequences.

It’s what has become of the world: money talks and the banking industry speaks that language very fluently.

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