Apple’s trackpads; left is a 2014 MacBook Pro, Right is a 2012 MacBook Pro. Both are identical to each other but they changed the metal bracket just enough so that they wouldn’t fit the other laptop.

O p t i m i z a t i o n

I had to use my brother’s old android after I broke my phone for a bit. Processor was significantly faster on android, as well as 4 gigs more ram on droid. iPhone blew the speed of the android out of the water. Literally no comparison.

Turns out when your software is developed specifically for a small set of machines, less raw power is required because the software can be tailored to the hardware.

I’m with ya on the gaming and other specific programs though.

I would say however, I’m very curious what leads one to believe companies other than Apple don’t use planned obsolescence practices. Apple hits the limelight in this area for sure, but somehow that means other companies don’t do it? Honestly I’d really appreciate hearing someone’s perspective here.

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