Applying for jobs like

I got ghosted by my own company even.

I applied for an internal opportunity and waited like a week, and I guess the recruiter didn't think I would have the grit to find him and call him, even though it takes like fifteen seconds going through the HR system and finding contact details in the GAL.

He was very sheepish when confronted over the phone, that it would be a "waste of productive time" to call applicants with a rejection (even though my company is currently pushing REAL hard for "internal mobility" since retention is through the floor after several major layoff cycles sent all the talent elsewhere and poachers are dialing up everyone they can.)

His defense was that the position had already sent someone else an offer two full weeks before I applied, but that he wanted to keep the ad out and keep collecting applicants just in case that offer "fell through." Fucker wanted to have his cake and eat it, too.

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