Applying Rule 48: Be Unpredictable

So how do I stop people from knowing what I want? It's simple. Perform actions that don't make sense for your actual goal. Be creative.


If you can make a girl feel like the stars have literally aligned to make a fling happen you can make a lot of alpha widows. Meet a girl that you're vibing with but have other plans? Look really guilty and apologize and make an exit at the top of your conversation. Run into her again and tap into that same magic (tried and true bullshit) and repeat this magical line at some point.

"I didn't trust myself."

You imply you were trying to be good(already in a relationship), she made you want to be bad(sexual chemistry), and you had to remove her from the equation to prevent that. Now if she's ever voluntarily alone with you go full "bodice tearing" mode and get a pass because, "You know what you do to me."

There is appearing unpredictable and intense and actually being unpredictable. It is much better to appear to be a person that denies yourself or struggles with problems, because when you fabricate your own issues you already know the solution.

You game people out there are probably already doing this: Pattern disrupts, and the occasional 'just walk away'.

How one pines for the days where a phone number exchange could shortly lead to sex. The walk away (Irish goodbye) is great when you've failed to sexually escalate but created a rapport. These days getting to 2nd Base doesn't guarantee a shot at making it to Home. If you fail at making it to First and cementing yourself in her mind, it's better to hit pause and try again later. Making a tactical reset similar to breaking down LMR by going through the steps over and over again until you get results.

If the encounter continuously plays out like a particularly bad game of phone tag just move on. Sometimes complete and total indifference will be the key ingredient to getting a girl that likes the validation of the chase to walk you to First. The reset is more about getting the right amount of comfort and attraction built than actually confusing her.

For the rest of you, this is situation dependent, but think 'large scale pattern disrupts'. Be unpredictable. If people can't predict your actions, they will constantly be one step behind.

I'm not really comfortable with that sort of activist jargon (Occupy / Sit Ins) or what's implied by it. When it comes to the practical nature of both game and TRP manufacturing an enigmatic presence can often lead to being perceived as quixotic.

It's better to have people want to meet your needs and know the exact way to accomplish that. The unpredictability in my opinion is more about intermittent reinforcement than (as IllimitableMan covered) adaptability or appearing powerful and interesting.

You want people to think they know you and understand you. There is a difference between unpredictable and brilliant. If you are always one step ahead it implies you are brilliant. If you always arrive at an interesting point, or make decisions that seem counter to your character but that when explained make you internally consistent, that is being unpredictable. Think of "from the mouth of babes" except applied to masculine men. If it's expected that you'd be heartless, be compassionate. Alpha ice cream with beta sprinkles. It's positive spin on that unpredictability that makes it effective.

Which means no putting someones back up or confusing those around you in professional settings. The thing about the Laws of Power is that they build on one another. Those familiar with the methods behind cultivating power or influence know and understand those rules. So to see them written and expounded upon without some major disclaimers and explanation on their source materials is cause to be concerned.

OP may have good intentions, but it's too easy for contributors to assume that some basic universal truth they've arrived at is plainly obvious from what they've written. Which is not the case at all.

In order to attain some goals, sometimes people have to know what you're trying to do. I just want to fuck girls, and this subreddit tells me that I need to make my intentions clear for that, so this law doesn't apply to me.

Bullshit it doesn't.

Rather than spell out the direct strategies...

Not explaining what EXACTLY to do differently by using formlessness or unpredictability (and giving a concrete example of both) is where OP went wrong. If someone has something to contribute here they aren't losing money or facing a deadline, there is no reason not to explain those examples. Then to immediately follow up with the vanishing act and interesting conversation which are concrete but that without elaboration don't follow the unpredictable / formless theme. That also in my opinion don't show the point that OP was trying to make.

TRP shouldn't shy away from getting into the details, and ignoring the elements of a post that seem to the people with ideas to be distractions from some purer philosophy are the most relevant part of what we're all sharing here.

The practical (and the easiest to sniff out for effectiveness) should always come first. When the focus is strictly on the abstract ideas often you end up with points that when followed to their logical conclusion aren't supported by the evidence presented.

/r/TheRedPill Thread