
I'm fine with a person who is "giving" their perspectives. I appreciate it, I do. I'm grateful for that sort of energy exchange. I do believe that's why it's called a perspective. Perspectives are unique to a person.

When you see someone else's perspective it opens you up to seeing them.

I would be more grateful if they would have given me actual instruction. Explained what they actually mean instead of throwing it out there like I'm supposed to know what their perspectives are. To simply say your zipper is down, I get it. I can pull that up.

Writing styles come in varieties, just like linguistics. You can tell a lot about a person from linguistics. They've caught serial killers based on linguistics. I thought it was our goal to protect our identities? A wall of text is a pretty good defense!

There's more than one way to spell certain words there's more than one way to write. Did that person take into consideration any of that? Just curious?

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