Appreciation post for my favorite PvE weapon so far. It's not the best but it's the most fun I've had with a weapon

I'm going against the crowd I think but... I generally have more fun with the "worst" weapons.

But I have really bad hand-eye coordination. IRL I catch things thrown less than 50% of the time. So my aim in games is pretty bad. I rarely use pistols (with the exception of the infinity pistol in Borderlands 2) or sniper rifles or hand cannons because I miss most of my shots. Without SMGs and such, I'd never hit anything!

I think right now I have on Thunderlord, IKELOS smg, and Trackless Waste. Probably all trash, but the fire rate allows me to hit things even with terrible aim.

I will say that I know that I am way underpowered so I don't even attempt Crucible or raids or Gambit because I know that I would drag the team down.

I do enjoy Escalation Protocol though.

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