Apprentice Electrician here. Should I find a new employer?

Skimming through this. There may be some concern but not a lot.

Apprentices are helpers, greenhorns are worse and no journeyman likes the idea of getting stuck with you. Almost all of us have been in this situation of suck.

The Commute is standard in a big company. Most will pay you one way, Not both. I think many of the people on this site probably did this at one time or another. They all bitched about it, yet went to work everyday.

By saying you went out of state to work. I take a guess that you are in Oklahoma, Missouri, Arkansas or Nebraska. More over I am guessing the NW Arkansas area.

Davis Bacon? Lets refine the idea of what Davis Bacon is. Davis was a guy that won a law suit a long time ago. Since then, loop holes are had. Who is the paying body of government? State, County, Then its prevailing way to the county that the work is done in. Not to be confused with the county you live in. Sometimes your apprentice wage is actually higher (I know its fucked) Davis Bacon, To get this you are on federally owned property. Most likely a military base, in which employers are still not obligated to pay rights of davis bacon until a contract exceeds a certain dollar amount. If you were only site for a day, you don't get that dollar. Each base and division of military has discrestion on what that amount will be.

Lastly, Of course your employer is taking advantage of you. 100%. Cool thing about that is that he has some liking to you. If he didn't, he wouldn't send you with anyone 6 hours away.

Don't get overwhelmed with what your employer asks you to do. If you like it and your good at it. You may someday hire a kid that is asking these same questions.

/r/electricians Thread