April 20 Daily Thread

Has anyone had success in integrating the 531 training style into a PPL split? I’m running a linear progression PPL program and I’m beginning to have frequent stalls so I think it’s time to switch my 1rm are: bench 200, deadlift 300 and squat 240. Ohp 135 (never went for this I’m basing this off a strength calculator after I hit 120 for set of 5). I still enjoy the PPL split and training 6 days a week and working certain muscles together. Would running let’s say 531 along with a template like BBB and then add accessory work after work? So each day of the week I’d just hit a different compound lift everyday for instance. Monday deadlifts, Tuesday bench, wed squat, Thursday rows (probably will stick with LP), Friday OHP, then squats Saturday.

/r/weightroom Thread