April 24th, 2016 - /r/theredpill: A look at what exactly "Red Pill Theory" is and understanding it through an interview with one moderator

Explain how men, of their own free will, choosing to use a feminist perspective, is hijacking. How arrogant can you be to think that they don't have their own valid, personal reasons.

It's still hijacking when it's male feminists doing it. Some of them legitimately care about men's issues. Plenty of talk is about how men are the issue.

Which is again, insane. But as I've also said, nothing I say will convince you otherwise. You need to actually talk to people, read things. You didn't even bother reading anything on /r/MensLib before passing judgement. How can you be so sure of what you think you know to be true?

I like the idea that MensLib represents the majority of feminism, or the most active part of feminism, but it represents neither. The most active feminists are shutting down MensRights discussions and calling men 'pigs.'

You are completing ignoring the point. Disliking MRAs does not equal disliking men. Your evidence for hating men is nonsense.

"Kill All Men" is pretty hateful. "Male Tears" is sort of hateful. Etc. etc. etc. SRS has plenty of these people, these male-haters.

You're missing my point, hating feminism is different from misogyny.

Your race, gender, sex, age, etc all affect you and your life because of how society at large treats those.

Well, yeah. And being male has its societal disadvantages too.

Did black activists complaining about white privilege in different words get nothing done?

Is BLM getting anything done, or are you talking about another movement? Productive, I mean.

Like the single group in Toronto that reddit parades around every year? How many groups don't do that? How many MRA groups does reddit blindly defend when they're just anti-feminist groups?

Not that I don't believe you, just want an example. A lot of defaults are notably SJW - like /r/videos.

How many groups don't do that?

A lot, but that's because there's far more people advocating for women's rights.

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