AR filter for NLP eye accessing cues on Instagram

But the real magic of course happens when you change your automated thinking processes. For the sake of simplicity, let's say you run a poorly designed decision strategy 20 times a day, unconsciously and automatically. What might be the consequence of unpacking it, and refactoring it so it becomes a well designed decision strategy that you run unconsciously and automatically.

And, of course you know this already, but it is worth pointing out in this context. Decision strategies are only ONE set of the unconscious automated thought sequences that you run. You have strategies for every task and subtask of the day. Strategies for creativity, for motivation, for knowing what's real and not.

This is important stuff. This is stuff that shapes your life.

I am not going to go into the HOW of unpacking and redesigning these automated thought patterns here. That is the kind of thing I teach in seminars. But I do want to alert you to this possibility, because I know there are many out there who have what it takes to start taking advantage of this, and I don,t want you to miss out due to thinking that this AR filter is "only" for learning to see eye accessing cues in others.

You can also use it to improve your life

Enjoy your discoveries!

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