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Although cleaver, you must teach her about integrity and home values because young people do not see the potential of what can come from this type of behavior.

It is no biggie in general but we have to build a value system with her ethical compass. As in, who am I when no one is looking. What kind of person am I when no one is around. That sorta stuff.

I am always met with temptations around me but I practice my value system all the time. I always do what I feel is the ethical thing even when no one is looking. Trust me it's hard. I have found wallets with literally 700.00 cash in it, around 6 Iphones in my life time and once I found a 100 dollar pair of Nike shoes for babies that were on the floor of Kroger. I found the mom who didn't notice her kid kicked them off while she was shopping. Last year I found a ladies pocket book sitting outside on the ground at a gas station and I turned it into the local shop still open nearby. I looked up the brand when I got home because I have never seen that pattern before. Turns out, it was a $300 dollar pocket book from Neiman Marcus.

Bro, I work two full time jobs to make ends meet. I am an atheist so I am not going religious on you. I also live in a big city where you are invisible and I do not know my neighbors.

You gotta do the right thing. You gotta teach the kids to do the right thing. It is just little tickets and tokens at a pizza place today but down the road she can be a nursing major who cheats her way through college or someone who takes stuff without paying in the mall. You honestly don't know what can manifest if there are no boundaries.

Sorry for being the wet blanket here.

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