[Archive] /r/RPClipsGTA 71tu4k - No cupcakes for you

Author: shadowfox362

Score: 3


Had a similar reaction. At first all I could think was "What's with that voice!?" Recently put some more effort into watching her and she really is talented not only with the voice but the quick wit and humor. She seems pretty laid back as a person and rolls with the punches as far as RP goes.

Full information:

Comment {getApprovedBy()="null", getAuthor()="shadowfox362", getAuthorFlair()="Flair {cssClass='GoldKappa', text='null'}", getBannedBy()="null", getBody()="Had a similar reaction. At first all I could think was "What's with that voice!?" Recently put some more effort into watching her and she really is talented not only with the voice but the quick wit and humor. She seems pretty laid back as a person and rolls with the punches as far as RP goes.", getCreated()="Sat Sep 23 01:17:13 UTC 2017", getDistinguishedStatus()="NORMAL", getEditDate()="null", getFullName()="t1_dndqkgu", getId()="dndqkgu", getModeratorReports()="{}", getParentId()="t1_dndpsn2", getRemovalReason()="null", getReportCount()="null", getScore()="3", getSubmissionAuthor()="null", getSubmissionId()="t3_71tu4k", getSubmissionTitle()="null", getSubredditId()="t5_3onkg", getSubredditName()="RPClipsGTA", getTimesGilded()="0", getUrl()="null", getUserReports()="{}", getVote()="NO_VOTE", hasBeenEdited()="false", isArchived()="false", isControversial()="false", isSaved()="false", isScoreHidden()="false"}

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