Are you able to remember all of your dreams, if so, what is one your most memorable one?

You know, I've always wondered if people got the ideas for scary movies from their dreams. Lol.

About a year or so ago, I had this dream that definitely made me feel like I was in a movie. For some reason, it was just known that you don't go outside after dark, and if you heard whistling outside while your in your home, avoid all windows.

Well, I didn't make it inside one night and every door was locked. I start running, but it's not super clear where I am. I'm running down a street I lived on when I lived in California. I come up to house that belonged to my dad in Ohio, but the surrounding houses were gone. I go inside, but it's my grandmother's house.

She had a hallway that was super long with a window at the end of it. I heard whistling and I could hear my voice shouting not to look outside but I'm still walking towards it. I'm right in front of it, I scream "NO!" Slam the window shut and I wake up.

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