Why are you against abortion?

I believe in the sanctity of life. Getting rid of a fertilised egg troubles me, but the further along development is it the further it horrifies me. I'm deeply uncomfortable how there is an arbitrary limit set around the world where apparently it becomes acceptable or unacceptable. As far as I can see there are only three acceptable places where one can say life has begun - conception, the formation of the primitive streak and birth. But if birth is people's decision, how many people would think its acceptable to get rid of a kid one day before birth for example? It's a difficult issue. When an expecting parent has a miscarriage it is a tragedy but when an abortion happens that seems to be fine...I think both cases are sad.

But that said, I cannot justify banning abortion. Banning it isn't going to stop it happening and takes away the safety of the operation. I don't view people who have abortions as monsters (the same cannot be said for those who carry out the procedure), but as people who have made the wrong decision in incredibly difficult circumstances that I am lucky to know I will not have to face.

Much as I dislike the cunt, I think Tony Abbottt summed up the correct approach to abortion when he said it should be "safe, legal and rare". More investment in sex-ed, the adoption services and contraception please.

/r/AskReddit Thread