Are we agendaposting against our own quadrant now?

On a more serious note.

The love of your people, their achievements and the culture they’ve built goes far deeper than the shallow comparison of material wealth-created ‘happiness’ you just made.

What are you but an extension of the collective legacy of your parents, their parents, and so on, spanning your entire ancestry, ethnicity, and race? Just as you are proud of your father, mother, brothers, and sisters, you are proud of your race.

Maybe if you were substantially multiracial to the point you have no idea what race you could even begin to primarily identify yourself with I’d understand, but I refuse to believe a single soul in this world who identifies with a certain race hasn’t had at least a few instances of pride taking part in or observing meaningful and positive things about their race.

It’s just wired into us. It’s completely natural for everyone and it’s abnormal not to reciprocate with the sentiment of racial-belonging.

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