Are you all fucking stupid?

It actually does help, believe it or not. This subreddit reminds people that there is hope, and then they start to feel better and actively work to fix their situation. I understand your point though. It’s frustrating to watch people self loath because it doesn’t really help, but the self loathing is because they think there isn’t hope. They need to be reminded by other people who have been through rough times that there is hope. And no, it isn’t stupidity; it’s mental illness.

Please be more empathetic to people. Most of us don’t want sympathy or pity; rather, we want to be reminded there is hope and have someone actually listen to us. If you don’t want to empathize, that’s fine, but it’s against he rules of this subreddit to “tough love” — even if you are right. This rule was made by the mods in this subreddit because of their extensive experience with suicidal patients.

/r/SuicideWatch Thread