You are all just meat for the hook

Same argument could be made for like half of the killers. Like nine of the last Killers over the last 3 years all play the same to an extent. Mid-range anti-loopers with no mobility and no chase counter play leading to stale matches involving holding W and stealth on gens. There's only like five or six truly unique killers in the game when you really break their powers down. Most of the killers they've been releasing for the last 3 years guarantee hits on survivors stuck in animations and have 50/50 scenarios where you just lose either way leading to W holding meta.

Survivors being just skins is Not True at all. Some characters are bigger, some are smaller, some are louder and some are unreasonably loud or quiet. It will become very apparent after Iron Will is deleted from the game when a bunch of loud survivors are dropped off by most of the player base at a higher level. People are going to see a lot more Ace. Jeff sounds like a group of elephants dying whenever he does a totem for example even while uninjured.

Also survivors have a good bit of personality to some of them and some very unique cosmetics or styles. Some people just play a character because they look cool. And that applies to killers too. The moment survivors get unique stats besides injury noise volume is the moment another meta is formed.

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