Why are you an atheist?

Color Type Meaning
none simple useful for when you remove stuff silently, no warnings - should count for LESS in case of a ban
green good contributor good user, good contributor or someone who's gotten an apology after a mod-mistake - should count as a "get of jail card"; can be marked as "-1"
pink/magenta spam watch ideological spammers, proselytizers, selfpromoters, karmawhores
purple spam warning for spam warnings, should count as worse than spam watch and come after
yellow abuse warning commonly used for warnings for trolling, abuse, shitposting, flaming - depending on how good of a contributor the user is and how fair the situation is, a ban should follow the warnings as they stack up... there are very few users with 3 warnings and no bans --- should be used with clear mod comment warning
blue troll warning user has been warned not to troll. usually for people using troll idioms but not obviously intending to troll
red ban user has received a ban, often upgraded from warning - usually these notes are numbers, representing temporary bans
dark red permaban unnecessary waste of space, we don't really use it unless we really want to mark a dramatic asshole redditor; for permabans, just check the BAN REASON to get context
black bot ban was used before, but we've stopped using it since we have temp bans - marks a user that has automoderator removing his/her comments
tangerine indefinite ban slightly less severe than a permanent ban, user may have this ban cleared once they've calmed down and are ready to participate again
/r/atheism Thread Link - blackvax.wordpress.com