So... Are Asian guys usually only interested in White guys?

Imagine this: if you go to see a doctor or lawyer or any professional, do you go to that person based on his “intersectionality characters” or his qualifications? Most of time rational people want to get services from the most qualified. Yea race does matter somewhat, but it’s not the sole qualification. Unfortunately in america today, race has become an indicator that outweighs many other important things. Just look at Fortune 500 companies, college admissions etc. there’re always programs for blacks Hispanics. And it’s also true that many are admitted but have less qualifications than others. I don’t think this is fair and beneficial to these students because it’s like setting them up for failure. That’s why policies like school choice is tremendously helpful to black communities because everyone should have the same opportunities. Unfortunately the liberal policies are always attacking policies that actually will benefit blacks. This is not a political statement but I’ve made my point

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