Why are you awake at almost 06:00 on a fucking Saturday?

For balance, I’m in a very similar position (a daily drinker). Can’t remember last day I didn’t drink but we are talking a year or so at least. Main difference to you this morn - I’ve woken with the hangover, the fear, the regret. Also recently had a trip to A&E with chest pains, didn’t show up anything but my BP was v high.

I remember going 10 days without drink 2/3 years back and how sharp I felt - so lucid, efficient, low-stressed - everything seemed brighter. So why wouldn’t I just do that again, but for 100 days? 1000 days? It’s madness I know - drinking is so insidious, the way it draws you in, practically subconsciously (e.g. walking into a pub without even having planned to go there).

Anyway, I hope you continue on this new path, and hope I can get there too.

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