You are being hunted by Riddick, a Predator, and Kraven the Hunter. Who wins?

What do those three have? Superior fighting ability.

What can I do? I use to be fairly good at chess.

Here's what happens:

In the 24 hours I have I make a human sized chess set in the snow biome and using my knowledge of each of the three's religions/cultures, I write patterns in the snow relating to each three cultures, telling of 'the ultimate test' awaiting at the chess set of forgotten dreams(sounds good I know). All three are tricked and arriving at the chess set, they instantly fight each other (for sole glory ofc) leaving one remaining.

Now the tricky part: chess.

After practicing my skills for 23 hours (only took an hour to make the chess set) I decide to both confuse and intimidate the lone opponent, by using my first 8 moves to move all of my pawns forward 2 pieces. My opponent sees how much of the battlefield is cut off from him, and sensing his defeat decides to go for an all out attack, utilizing the flexibility of his queen, he cuts through my line of pawns immediately, cutting my pawnwall to only 4 remaining soldiers (I forgot to write down how to play chess in the snow, so the rules are a bit vague but we're managing).

As he circles round to finish off my remaining pawns, the fight looks bleak however I suddenly realize that I too, have a queen.

I begin to formulate a plan for success utilising his open defences and the (now) open board. Whilst watching him push along his 7Ft tall queen snow piece, I remember how hard it was to push the first 8 pawns and how out of breath my lone opponent looks now.

As such, I abandon the chess plan and instead, grab an icicle from a nearby cave (my opponent is still distracted whilst he tries to take out my last pawn) and throw it, directly at their skull.

The icicle misses and startles my opponent however, he mistakenly thinks that that was the ultimate test. Happy in victory, my opponent leaves the battlefield.

I die 1 week later from food starvation.

/r/whowouldwin Thread