We are in a better place but still have some time

Nah actually I'm in a hotel room cause I'm out of town for work... home is a 4800 Sqft single family home in Va Beach, VA. We don't have basements in those parts cause the land level is too close to the water table. I currently hold 3 Btc, 17 Eth, 45 Etc, 2mil ADA (which I got at a steal of .086 last June), 4mil Doge, 1tril of both Kishu and Sanshu (i like to live recklessly) and 5mil Shiba... and that's only because I wasn't trying to lose money on the original 2bil tokens I bought on May 7th at .00000356 so my "paperhands" got out after VB's stunt... which to me sounds choreographed and intentional cause why else would he fuck over so many investors. I didn't lose anything though so know worries... but the gas fee to get rid of these shit coins was a little high and I'm still a little salty about that. Any other interest in my living arrangements or financial situation there chief?!?!

/r/SHIBArmy Thread Parent