Why are Capitalist states so much more wealthy than socialist states?

From your first link

While the Soviet Union has long trumpeted the superiority of its economic system, the Soviet standard of living is still far below prevailing Western and East European levels . In 1976, for example , the Soviet standard of living was one-third the American level, and somewhat less than half the level of' France and West Germany . The relatively low standard of living in the Soviet Union can be traced to the fact that the Soviet government spends a considerably smaller share of its GNP on consumption than most West and East European nations . The Soviet Union has traditionally neglected its consumer sector, and this has resulted in chronic shortages of consumer goods and services and food supplies . Moreover, Soviet wage scales require consumers to devote about two-thirds of their earnings to basic necessities such as food and clothing . Thus, not only is the Soviet standard of living relatively low as compared to the West, but Soviet consumption patterns are also quite backward and resemble those of developing . nations more closely than industrialized nations .

Like any other nation, the Soviet Union contains many poor people, but the Soviet poverty sector is surprisingly large given the Soviet government's concern with its image as a socialist welfare state . Using Soviet estimates of' minimum family income requirements , it appears that the average family in 1965 existed in a state of poverty . A large number of surveys conducted during the 1960s revealed that as many as a quarter or a third of the urban working class lived below the poverty line, and since rural wages are about 10% lower than urban wages and rural inhabitants account for about 35% of the Soviet population, the total number of "poor" people in the Soviet Union was perhaps 40% of the entire population . Although industrial workers are among the best paid in Soviet society , available statistics indicate that almost a third of them do not rise above the poverty threshold . One can assume the situation must be considerably worse for the 30 million people employed in health care and education, and the 40 million workers employed in unmechanized production jobs .

/r/CapitalismVSocialism Thread