We are Death Cab for Cutie, Ask us anything!

I apologize firsthand that this is ramble, you can skip to the last paragraph for the question!

The first song I heard from you guys was Titles & Registration back when I was in elementary school. One of my favorite illustrators had it up and I remember that moment so well because that was when I began to take my skill seriously and it ended up being the starting point of where I am today as a 20 year old industrial designer.

You guys were inspiration to me as I grew, so when Kintsugi came back after the gap, I was WAY TOO EXCITED considering I had also started a new chapter in life (college). Little Wanderer is my favorite, especially since I am also currently in a long-distance relationship at the moment and the narrative lyrics simultaneously paints a picture to me that reminds me of my favorite book, The Little Prince. After several dry months of not drawing for myself, I just had to draw something after hearing it, which ended up being my boyfriend and I.

When I heard you guys would be touring with The Antlers, BE STILL MY BEATING HEART because MY TWO FAVORITE BANDS OF ALL TIME ARE YOU AND THE ANTLERS. What were the chances?! Unfortunately you guys didn't come to Philly and I had finals, otherwise I would've jumped onto the bus to Toronto and enjoyed you all with my boyfriend. How did you guys end up with The Antlers? What's your relationship with them? Any chance of that happening again in the future? And will you come to Philly again, please? :" ) My boyfriend's nickname for you guys is Kill Taxi so what are some (on purpose or mistaken) variations of your band name you've heard?

/r/Music Thread