Why are dreadlocks on white people generally looked down upon, but black people can imitate caucasian hair styles?

"When in Rome, do as the Romans do" Is just an idiom about assimilation being in the persons best interest. Vercingetorix was forced to bow down and kiss the golden standard of Rome. I don't think it's an apt analogy when you tell me black people were putting hair relaxer in by choice after emancipation.

yet, there is still often a heavy expectation that Africans assume purely caucasian styles.

I'll just take your word for it.

Correct! It is a ethnic/racial/geographic issue. This whole issue is primarily focused on America, although there is still some of it lingering in Europe over the treatment of people globally during colonialism and imperialism.

Well in Poland, the UK, and now here in Canada; the places where I've lived, it's always been considered a faux pas and considered extremely rude to tell people they shouldn't style their hair in a certain way because it's up other people. That only happens in the workplace here. Cultural segregation just seems backwards to me.

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