Are drugs really as good as their hyped to be?

As we grow older, we perceive time to be going faster. This occurs because the older we get, the less 'new' experiences are.

The first time we do something, we are excited, and remember the event with more detail. Thus the younger we are, the more memorable and slow time seems to go. More on this

Recreational drugs, in moderation, can renew the 'newness' of life, and make social gatherings very memorable.

To say you are against drugs is to say you are against medicine. So when most people say don't do drugs, they really mean don't do drugs that I think are bad.

Are some unhealthy? Yes, but so are cheeseburgers. If you don't know how to eat cheeseburgers in moderation, they will kill you...eventually.

Ultimately, we trade time for experiences, and we trade our bodies for memorable experiences.

Just as a reference for what is moderate to me:

Cannabis : daily (Some would argue that this is the opposite of moderate, to that I say, touché)

Alcohol : 1-2 times a week

Psychedelics : 0-4 times a year

Molly(MDMA) : 0-3 times a year

These are the reasons I do said drugs, besides the fact that they make experiences more memorable:

Cannabis : calms mental anxiety, maintains a healthy appetite, makes things funnier which inherently puts me in a better mood - all of this with the only downside being from the fact that combustion smoke causes cancer, which is a problem that can be completely eliminated.

Alcohol : Acts as social lubricant, lowers inhibition and consequently that anxious feeling.

Psychedelics : I gain invaluable insight about myself almost every time. After each trip I feel as if my brain has been cleaned, like brushing my teeth. My ego that builds up from living in a material world only becomes apparent to me after being blasted away after each trip. I feel new, rejuvenated, and glad to be alive.

Molly(MDMA) : strictly to feel good and have a good old wild time with close friends and to create super memorable times.

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