Why are DSA chapters so overwhelming white?

trust my fellow members bc of them being educated elitists in a sense.

That seems kind of silly, I come from a family that is a mix of working class and professional and none of them have any sort of concept of class based politics or advocate for any workers rights. In fact the more working class side of the family is incredibly reactionary and despises lazy workers and certain types of people.

It's not a matter of education, most educated people are working class. They work for a living it just typically is in an office.

I haven't really encountered anything like you've described in the comments. Most of the DSA people I have met are very thankful that anyone is volunteering to help.

I have seen some debates in discussions that are more about ideological approaches but it was way over my head and I didn't get involved in any way but no one mentioned Marx, Gramsci or anything like that. This feels so online, I've never seen anyone do anything like that in person outside of some weird identity politics stuff.

/r/demsocialists Thread