why are enfjs and infjs so different

Apart from playing instruments, enjoying reading and having as much of an appreciation for scientific advancements as the next guy or gal, that description is way off for me and doesn't completely respresent the few other INFJs I (have known/know). Intentionally exteriorising non-comformity or eccentricity through clothing choices would seem almost narcissistic and self-aggrandising for me. I know we all in some way are aware of the image we project through our dress sense (how we intend to present ourselves to others), but to believe it's commonplace for INFJs to dress differently suggests there's both a recognition of the norm on our part and a conscious effort to overtly oppose it...going against the grain of "society" in a very loud way which seems like too much unnecessary attention for me. I guess, I do avoid trends and am quietly content in my not following, though.

My ex roommate was an ENFJ (f) and I definitely felt more assertive, expressive and energetic in our 1-1 chats in such a way that I may have looked more extraverted to a third-party. As for tending to impress...it's difficult to comment on the highly subjective effect she may have had on individuals...but her niggling perfectionist tendencies definitely filled her with a need to impress. That hindered her in many ways actually...her lack of time-management and procrastination levels were through the roof...and she, at times, felt quite blasé about having scattered, rough-draft ambitions. The texture of her voice, stance, facial expressions and mood would change relatively quickly too whether she shared the reasons why or not. Hardly INFJ-like... So the difference presumably goes beyond extraversion and introversion - think an expert on cognitive functions would actually be more enlightening here because right now it comes across like "I dye my hair, enjoy slipknot and am totally weird and my ENFJ friend is so, like, normal. Tell me how different and unique we are without any actual theory stuff"

/r/infj Thread