At a macro level. It is.
Just look at Russia invading Ukraine, technically the land of some people is seized, because the institution that was guaranteeing the ownership of the land of Ukrainian residents (the Ukrainian government) failed to defend that claim.
The root state of humans is being free. The free market is just how you qualify the context in which you trade stuff, when it is free. But that ultimate freedom also implies that you are free to use any means to enforce your claims.
Often times, it means just relying on more powerful entities that we make for this purpose.
Being for freedom (and consequently, at market that is free) is just wanting to minimize the adverse effect that such entities may have on freedom.
Again, I am just saying that freedom is the base state of humans. Not that complete freedom is the best system (I am not an anarchist nor a libertarian).
I am saying what IS, not what OUGHT to be.