Why are you a Exredpill??

Because I saw it for what it really was when people around me (nerdy "beta" types) were getting involved with it. It was/is a bunch of stolen recovery programs and ideas repackaged/relabeled to draw in vulnerable people who had self-worth issues, mostly due to shitty parents that never dealt with their own shit and put it on them. So theses now adults were carrying around not only their own trauma, but their parent's as well and had never been given permission to grieve it because it's apparently too pussy to go to therapy (because they know the professionals would be horrified to hear what they're teaching and they can't have it all exposed).

Had I not been going to therapy, I may not have made the connections I did. Seemed great on the outside until I started tracking these sites and digging into the code. I saw great men around me that had self-esteem issues devolve into misogynistic shells of their former loving selves because they were mocked, shamed, and mentally abused by a group of 4chan trollboys that promised them an amazing "Alpha" life only to leave them in shambles after they sold enough books and seminars. It's a grift through and through. They're cashing in on someone else's ideas, putting fake addresses on their sites, secretly promoting underground MLM "coaching" networks, and have no interest in the people and families they're destroying.

/r/exredpill Thread