Are Farrakhan and The Nation of Islam actually respected by Muslim leaders?

As far as my arabic country goes, they are not known. People know about western converts but not of Nation of Islam or any similar groups. I don't really know if they are big in the general muslim world. I'm guessing a lot of people would have issues with them by default, as they do with everyone, while others would appreciate having a western-based muslim community.

I personally don't know much about them or five percenters or any of that stuff, but they're definitely different from the average muslim. I know a lot of rappers and entertainers join these types of groups and a lot of jazz musicians used to too. They seem to keep their religion as a more individual thing from what I see, compared to what we in the middle east are used to. Maybe they are less serious, or perhaps they are more serious about being black/militant than being muslim. I don't know much. I know that the only muslim public figures I ever found likeable seem to be black American muslim musicians.

/r/exmuslim Thread