Are female INTP's intimidating to most (straight) men?

Yeah I am a big fan of the forrest-- I actually grew up in the woods. :) Plus the woods are where most confirmed unicorn sightings have been ;)

My war plans... ok, I sort of only halfway thought it through. To start, if you look at the sticky on the top of r/INTP, it says that we're all moderators of the sub. However, I haven't seen anyone make any real moderation attempts, and since we're not "official" mods we can't do what most subreddits do and set /u/automoderator. The sticky also notes that comments will disappear if they have a score below -5. And the last week or so I've been into making reddit bots. If you see what I'm getting at...

Though, the issue is that I'm pretty sure using bots to vote on reddit comments is against the rules of reddit (though for some reason they made it so that you can vote through their api, wtf??? makes no sense). I didn't really think it through. I also thought of using an account I made recently, which was called something like "volunteer auto mod" (hahah) and just sicking it on people to scold/annoy them when they say keywords that I don't like, and maybe sleuth their comment history to shame them. Though if I were to have a non-stealth war like that... hmm well you have to think through the consequences of that as well.

Maybe not the best idea though, I don't know. I was just getting mad at the exclusive people in the sub and entertaining the fantasy haha.

But yeah we should go to the woods, because my husband is planning on going camping in a few weeks but he's not from the woods and doesn't plan on camping at all, he just want to go on a hike and sleep in a tent (that's not camping!).

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