Are flashlights op? I kind of think so, it gets rough/old when every fight is me and someone else flash lighting each other and point firing while trying to guess where to fire for a hit, like a guessing game.

yea but I can still see a shape behind the light in real life i can squaint, block part of it with my hand, It's not as overwhelming. as well if i wear some shades it reduces the glare accordingly, currently there isn't really any counterplay, when i come up against an opponent with a light like i said above we are both just blinding each other trying to get lucky choosing where to fire based on where we think the persons flashlight is placed on the handguard of there gun, this is at range within 10 metres its much much simpler. all i'm saying is if we won't be allowed some kind of counter it shouldnt come down to a game of chance whether you get lucky shot placement wise. as well I always run a light, there really is no choice, its too much of an advantage, that should say it all right there.

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