Are you for or against taking in more refugees?

What the actual fuck are you on about?

Peaceful island? Have you been asleep the last 1000 years of Irish history? Did I imagine the centre of Belfast, Dublin, Lurgan, Enniskillen etc being flattened by bombs? Did I dream men walked in to a hotel last week and shot a guy dead.

Compromising our identity and culture, unlike the mass migration of Irish families in the 1840s to America? Is America permanently Fenianised from that?

Syrians are not Saudis. Saudis have a long tradition of multiple wives not shared in other Arab soaking cultures. There are polygamous Mormons in America breeding multiple children.

If everyone was meant to be the same we'd of evolved to be that way.

Genetic and physical evolution and social evolution are competently different things. Most of the world does share a common culture - that is being colonised by European powers in the 18th Century, where European norms and customs were imposed.

Cultural relativism is a blight and must be stopped. Some cultures are indeed superior to others, or are you going to try to tell me that we should all engage in honour killings, rape women and children, shit in the street.... etc etc..

Are there no takes in Ireland? Did the Catholic Church not systematically rape children throughout the 20th century and protect the men who did it? Did we not have state sponsored Magdalen Laundries locking women up all their lives for having a buck out of wedlock, while the baby daddy walked free?

Shit in the street....

Have you any evidence for this? Evidence that's it's a cross Arab phenomenon that is an accepted and regular occurance? That it happens out of choice and not out of necessity? I'd hate to think you were spouting any old crap to make refugees look like animals.

we should all engage in honour killings

There is a post on the very same front page about the killers of a gay man being applauded on their release within the last 30 years. When did Ireland legalise divorce? Or legislate that abuse within marriage was illegal? Or that rape within marriage was illegal? How many women were killed by their families or locked up for life for dishonouring their families?

don't want to be an old man in 50 years and be surrounded by foreigners in my own country, only for them to beat, rob and cajole me at every opportunity.

Have you any actual evidence that this will happen or has happened anywhere? And how far back are we going with this foreigner thing? Prods? Hugenots? Jews? Poles? Celts? The post industrial revolution Scots or the pre industrial revolution Scots? The Normans?

there is a reason people stick to their own when they move somewhere.

Yeah. Fear. And prejudice.

It's worked out so well in NI hasn't it?

The rest of the world took this attitude to us in the 1840s, and hundreds of thousands of innocent, blameless people died because of it. Are we so ignorant of our own history?

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