Are gay guys so superficial everywhere?

I think this is a male thing in general, valuing women/other gay men solely based on looks and literally nothing else, but gay men are something else with it.

And often hypocritical too. I kind of lost close friendship over this issue. After I expressed polite concern about a guy he had been seeing only 2 weeks, who was hot but showing signs of being abusive, he accused me of being shallow and "not knowing what love was" because apparently I was all about how men looked. However, not even a few months earlier, this very same friend had said to me "well I don't think [insert name] was that good looking anyway" after a guy I was seeing broke it off with me and I was a little down about it.

This friend was a stereotypical Asian gay guy who only dated white guys btw, and I know that because he told me, so I heard it from the horse's mouth. Anyway so he ran back to this new "love of his life" boyfriend of 2 weeks and told him my concerns, to which the "boyfriend" proved exactly my point and manipulated my friend into cutting ties with me. The "relationship" lasted a grand total of probably 2 months before my friend crawled back to apologise, and I accepted it, but our friendship never really fully recovered and I haven't spoke to him for years at this point.

/r/askgaybros Thread