You are given 10 billion dollars to create a game show. It can involve anything including illegal things and death if you so desire. What is your game show?

Here's another one:

Empty Spaces A television quiz show for two players.

Round 1 Player A is shown a multiple-choice question with four possible answers. He is asked to select one of these answers as the one to be hidden. Player B is then shown the same question, but with one answer hidden. He must choose the correct answer, which may or may not be the hidden answer. (Player A may have chosen to hide what he thought was the correct answer or may have chosen to hide one of the wrong answers in an effort to throw Player B off the scent.)

A correct answer wins 20 points for Player B. A wrong answer and Player A gets the points.

Now Player B is shown the next question and chooses an answer to hide from Player A. The process continues for a set period of time.

Round 2 Player A is shown a multiple-choice question with three possible answers one of which is the correct answer. He is asked to type in a fourth possible answer (by definition an incorrect answer), which he hopes will in some way make it more difficult for Player B to chose the correct answer. Player B is now shown the question, this time with the four possible answers – the order in which the answers are displayed is randomly ordered by the computer. Once again a correct answer wins Player B 20 points and a wrong answer wins Player A 20 points.

This process continues, alternating between players, for a set period of time.

Round 3 The players are shown a multiple-choice question with ten possible answers. The player with the most points is asked to choose one answer, which he believes to be incorrect.

If he succeeds he wins 10 points. His opponent is then asked to do the same with the nine remaining answers. If he succeeds in doing so he wins 20 points.

The first player is again asked to choose a third wrong answer, this time winning 30 points and so on until a player chooses the correct answer.

No points are awarded when the correct answer is chosen. The player who did not choose the correct answer is rewarded with any potential points remaining, i.e. if the correct answer is chosen by Player B with 8 answers remaining then Player A is awarded 30+40+50+60+70+80+90 =420 points. Player B will only take the 10 points he gained for choosing an incorrect answer the first time around. Player A will have 420 plus the 20 points he got for choosing an incorrect answer on his first and only turn in the round. (A player who chooses the correct answer early in this round is punished severely.)

This process is repeated once with each player getting a chance to go first.

The player with the most points goes forward to the final where he will play for a prize.

Final The final will involve matching a series of questions with a series of answers, but with a number of words blanked out in both questions and answers.

/r/AskReddit Thread