Are you happy at UC Davis?

I'd blame it on the locals, not the students. My housemates and I had this couch on our front lawn we'd use to hang out. This old couple across the street started bitching at us about how it brings down property values and made us bring it back inside the house.

This other house I lived, I had neighbors that would party all the time. Nothing too big but they'd always have people over drinking. And pretty much half the time they'd throw a party, the cops would get called on them. And the one time we had something remotely resembling a party we got the cops called on us too. We had like 10 or so people over and we were just talking in the backyard and we had the cops called on us too.

It's like this really weird battle between the university and the people who have been here since the 50's when it was just a hick town. That's what I gathered from all those "keep Davis boring" bumper stickers. Sucks for them, and I really sympathize, but they lost. Stop making it suck for everyone else. It ends up being this compromise that is bad for everyone.

And then there's all those stories about how the locals put up that huge fight against Target and Trader Joe's setting up shop here. Thank god they lost that battle. I'd probably be thousands of dollars more broke if those stores weren't here.

/r/UCDavis Thread Parent